Creative Point: Six Months On...
One of the biggest highlights of 2019 was the launch of Creative Point - a series of regular events aiming to bring the creative and digital communities of Hull closer together.
Earlier this year, we sat down with copywriter Tim Goodfellow and social media marketer Matt Johnson with an idea. We never dreamed that six months later we'd have put on five events (two of which sold out!).
In July, we hosted our launch day - three free LEARN workshops that covered How To Write Good, The Art of the #Hashtag and How To Start A Podcast with £0.
Within a few days of announcing, all of the tickets had been snapped up, and we had a waitlist of 27 people.
Minds = blown.
Jenni Harrison, Head of Media at eskimosoup and celebrated social media mentor to marketers and business owners across the Humberside region, popped down for an additional LEARN workshop in August - an intimate session on A Social Strategy That Actually Works.
She discussed the power of community building on social media and outlined an experiment she'd successfully undertaken with her own social media channels.
In September, we hosted our first INSPIRE talk and welcomed David Watson, Executive Director of External Affairs at National Museums Liverpool. Drawing from his experiences overseeing digital platforms and content creation at Hull UK City of Culture 2017, English National Ballet and London 2012 Ceremonies, David discussed the importance of thinking digitally in arts, culture and the creative sectors.
One month later, direct-response copywriter and author of Amazon-bestselling The Art of the Click Glenn Fisher outlined the secrets to copywriting success in our first INFORM event. His highly-entertaining and totally-relatable talk provided us with some simple rules to follow when writing to convert.
Glenn Fisher speaks at Creative Point
Last but certainly not least, University of Hull and Hull Business School Lecturer Peter Andrews gave us an intriguing insight into influencer marketing. The info-packed evening covered everything from the rise of the 'influencer' to why businesses of all sizes should be paying attention to this ever-booming sector.
From day one, we've been absolutely overwhelmed by the support and positivity around our little event - so here's a huge thank you to everyone who has helped us along the way, whether you've come along to an event or followed, liked or shared our stuff on social media.
Starting Creative Point has been an incredible journey and an extreme learning curve and we're so excited for what 2020 has in store for the growing Creative Point community.
On a final note, Bloom would just like to say a MASSIVE thanks to both Tim and Matt for collaborating with us on this. Thank you for all of your hard work, late nights and dedication to creating something so special; without you two, Creative Point would never have happened, and we cannot thank you enough. Here's to another year of TEAM CP!