How to consistently create new content ideas for your brand

Consistently thinking up fresh content ideas is tricky. Everyone (including us content creators) hits a block at some point or another, and that's totally OK

However, it's not totally OK when you sit painfully staring at a blank page, knowing full-well that you promised yourself you'd publish a blog post every other week of the year, or film a video every month.  

If this sounds familiar, don't panic, we've noted down some ways you can easily come up with new content ideas that are engaging, exciting and valuable to your audience.

So, grab a notepad and paper and let's get cracking. 

Courtney Farrow sat with client at Danish Buildings working on their content strategy.jpeg

A content strategy that actually works.

Write down your goals. 

Always start out with a plan. 

Get back to basics and think about why you're creating the content in the first place. Ask yourself questions like: 

  1. What do I want to achieve with my blog/podcast/YouTube channel/Instagram? 

  2. What action do I want my audience to take after viewing my content?

  3. Who is my ideal audience?

Once you have all this nailed, you can start to create content that has a real purpose and gives genuine value to your readers. 

Keep hold of this plan - it's great to look back on when you're stuck for ideas, or feeling a bit lost with your content. 

Take a look at your competitor's content (but not too much). 

There's no real harm in looking at your competition, as long as you don't fall down the unhealthy comparison rabbit hole. 

Go and see what others are creating and putting out there. 

Of course, we never advocate copying other people. Instead, take inspiration, or put your own twist on things. Having a nosey at other people's content could even show you what not to do. 

Take a look at your past content. 

By looking at your most popular content, you can see what your audience enjoys and what you should focus your energy on in the future. 

Remember, it's not all about those likes. 

Forms of engagement like comments, shares, click-throughs to your profile/website and those all-important enquiries are a lot more powerful than a simple "thumbs up". 

Make a note of what posts got the most engagement and consider why they performed so well. 

From here, you can start to think of content ideas that build on your most popular posts. 

Ask your audience what they'd like to see. 

If you're really not sure what to post, ask your audience. 

Publish a poll on Twitter, or get people to submit suggestions via Instagram, or even simply have a chat with your customers to see what they're major pain points are and think about how you could create content that helps them out. 

Take a look at this list of 98 blog post ideas. 

Last but not least, we've created a list of 98 blog post ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

Stuck with how to get started with your blog or social media? Drop us a line today and we’ll see how we can help your business.



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Why Start A Blog For Your Business?